We all have a lot of love for Andrew J Millar's work. What it is that draws us to his prints is excitingly mysterious - is it the uniqueness of each piece, his use of materials and polaroid processes, the application of precious metals, or the elegance and earnestness of his subjects? Probably all of the above - and more. Here is a little Q&A about the journey that brought him to produce some of our favourite pieces.

Please tell us a bit about yourself, and the journey you took to become an artist.

I’ve had lots of dissatisfiying jobs and never lasted long so I knew I could only ever be self employed. I started to do a market stall in Brick Lane selling my own artwork and people gave me money for it so I carried on doing that for 6 years constantly trying new ideas and refining them more and more until I was selling well online and galleries started approaching me.


What helped you to get to where you are today? Are there any people, events, or experiences that encouraged you or influenced you to do what it is that you do?

Definitely doing the market stall for so long taught me a lot, and I met some great people and good opportunities came from that. A great company called Impossible (now Polaroid) started to reproduce the film and I was obsessed with it. I had lots of communication with them and they helped me out hugely and still do now.


What was the first piece of art that moved you? What was it about it that grabbed you?

Most paintings by Gerhard Richter grab me as I love the way he goes from total abstract and movement then back to lifelike reality. Like the ones with candles for Sonic Youth's album "Daydream Nation".


Where do you get your inspiration from?

Poetry, music & mezcal.


Where do you work best from? Do you have any habits, or a routine, that help you harness your creativity?

From my studio just opposite Folkestone Harbour. Each morning I like to ride my bike along the sea front.


What is your current favourite piece in your own body of work? Why does it hold a special place in your heart?

"Fractured", it’s got a visual modern saintly message to it that doesn’t represent a gender.


What was the latest piece of art that you bought yourself? If you could choose four pieces of work from the Artsnug collection, what would they be?

The latest piece of art was Teenage Phantasm #102 (Verdigris) by Lucus Price.

As from the Artsnug collection:

- Eris God of Chaos by Carne Griffiths

- Ophelia #3 by Rosie Emerson

- Deliverance (Gold Leaf Edition) by Cassandra Yap

- Sunrise by Gavin Dobson

"Teenage Phantasm #102 (Verdigris)" - Lucas Price

"Teenage Phantasm #102 (Verdigris)" - Lucas Price